設計及功能同樣精彩。 .....
使用 HD 網絡攝影機來捕捉及分享美好時光使用 LifeCam Cinema 網絡攝影機就不會錯失任何東.....
將自己放進寬螢幕裡這款逼真的 HD 攝影機提供明亮且色彩豐富的視訊品質,可讓您輕鬆地將視訊張貼到最愛的社.....
如同身歷其境使用具有 1080p HD 感應器的 LifeCam Studio 網絡攝影機享受超高清視訊.....
新世代的耳機米高風如果您想要聊天、玩遊戲或聽音樂,就該完全投入做好這件事。使用 LifeChat LX-.....
Microsoft Office 365 Home Premium Find more ways to open your applications, documents, and custom se.....
Features:Experience Office when and where you need itWelcome to the next generation of Office, a pow.....
Stay connected with Office 365 Home and experience the latest versions of Word, Excel, and PowerPo.....
All pricing subject to change. For all prices, products and offers, NCIX.com reserves the right t.....
Quick Specs: License Type Subscription License Platform Supported PC Mac Handheld Language.....
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